Anna Salzman

Anna Salzman

Current and Previous Work/Degrees

Anna received her BA in French and Art History from Johns Hopkins University, where she wrote her senior thesis on censorship in the works of Baudelaire and Flaubert and the way a prosecutor used literary analysis to form a legal argument. 

She wrote her HILI Master's thesis on Baron Taylor's Romantic and Picturesque Travels in Old France (Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France.") In it, she explored the way that lithographs, mythological writing, photography, and other artistic expressions created an image of a place and how that image informed and attracted the explorers who were lured to visit thereafter, in pursuit of witnessing that image. The sensation is not unlike what occurs today on platforms like Instagram.

After studying in France at the EHESS, she took classes at Yale for 2 years to continue her study of French literature and film, with a continued interest in writer explorers of the 19th century and the films of Eric Rohmer, especially the Tales of the Four Seasons (Les Contes des quatre saisons).

Anna Salzman is currently a French teacher at Horace Mann School in Bronx, NY, where she enjoys sharing her love of learning with her students.

M.A. Essay Title

“Travel Impressions: Scaling Barriers of Genre in the 19th Century French Alps”