In France, courses at the MA level are validated by a research paper or a " fiche de lecture" (different form a book report). Students need to have their topic or choice of book approved by the instructor. The program organizes tutoring sessions to help students to manage their workload and to adapt to the demands of the French system.
There are two types of tutoring:
1- Focus is placed on methodology to help students adapt to the French essay requirements.
Note : even if students are writing their papers in English, the French instructors are expecting the format of the French essay. Tutors are young doctorates currently teaching at the college level.
Tutor in literature: Cécile Balavoine
Tutor in history: Jean Philippe Dedieu
Tutor in cinema: Fabien Delmas
Tutor in philosophy: Florent Jakob
2- Focus is placed on French language. Once they have completed their methodological work, students who want to write their paper in French can make an appointment with Cecile Balavoine, the instructor of the Intensive French course. Tutoring sessions are the best way to improve French and to work on the student's specific weaknesses.
Cécile Balavoine <[email protected]>