Bookstores and Useful Links


Type the title of a book or revue in the search box, and you can find all the libraries in France where the work is found. See also PEB ‘prêt entre bibliothèques’ on Google.

The site of the American Library of Congress gives access to its catalogue and to related libraries 

Sells everything: recently published works in all domains and books in English, but also CDs, videos, photo material, computer items, etc. You can also buy theater, concert, and other tickets. The closest FNAC to Reid Hall is at 136 rue de Rennes, 6e arro

Gilbert Jeune and Gilbert Joseph (There are many around boulevard Saint Michel) Bookshop, office supplies, CDs, used books, etc.

Tschann On the corner of boulevarde du Montparnasse and rue de Chevreuse, 75006. Excellent for all that is contemporary, especially in the arts, art history, and social sciences.